
Deep Learning Based Demosaicing

Deep Learning Based Demosaicing

A neural network designed to perform image demosaicing task on different sensors with different color filter arrays. Utilizing residual training and combining pervious work on image demosaicing (DMCNN) and image segmentation (Unet) networks

Wisdom Shaders

Wisdom Shaders

Wisdom Shaders aimed to provide impressive Minecraft graphics experience with the highest performance possible. It is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux, and it is able to run on devices from Intel's integrated graphics to RTX TITANs. Over 2 million global downloads since V3.2 release.

Voxel Cone Tracing for Real-time Global Illumination

Voxel Cone Tracing for Real-time Global Illumination

This project combines several strategies for rendering a scene with realistic global illumination, including Voxel Cone Tracing, Ray Marching, Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion, and other shading effects with highly compute-intensive graphics with minimal CPU overhead and maximum GPU utilization.